I can already hear you sister, desiring something new, wanting something fresh, maybe you’re currently moving through a transition….
Listen! I get that change can feel scary, but so isn’t staying the same!
If you have been feeling lost, maybe it’s time to RE-INVENT YOURSELF QUEEN.
Today’s episode is the sign you have been looking for and something I am personally going through as well. It’s around this time of the year that I start to ask myself: Am I going in the direction I desire? Who’s map have I been following? What is no longer serving me that I can let go of… (and many more questions and prompts I share in this episode)
Here’s what i know, if you don’t look up and check in you are actually still going the right way, you may find that you end up somewhere you don’t want to be.
SO, here’s to your reinvention sister, may this episode support you to shift, change and step into the YOU that you desire to become.
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Thank you so much for being here.
Love you big, x Erika 👑