Is there a part of your life where you struggle with being more authentic?
Like you want to be real to yourself and to all people around you.
This is a huge topic that I have heard for so long from different women.
So I had to speak about it.
Because I believe there’s a problem with the question: “How do I become more authentic?”
There are a number of things that are behind that question.
That’s why I created this podcast because I want to address all of them.
So if you want to know more about HOW to truly become a more authentic hit play now Queen!.
After listening to it, you’ll understand the true answer to this question.
Topics discussed and where to find them:
00:45 How to be More Authentic
01:50 Trying to be Real
02:45 Why are You Holding Yourself Back?
05:21 Just be Yourself
07:14 Other People’s Opinion Has Nothing to Do With You
08:59 Paying Attention to Knowing is That You or is That the Influence
09:52 F*ck What Others Think About You
11:34 Your Voice For Yourself Be Heard
11:55 Your Gut is Your Your Intuition
13:36 Helping and Working on the Lack
14:29 People are Always Gonna Think Sh*t About You
15:46 If It’s Never Enough For You, Nothing You Do Will Help
16:58 Catching Yourself When You F*ck Up Publicly
18:20 Start Trusting How You Feel
20:06 Having an Issue Saying No
20:30 Everything Starts and Ends With You
23:29 The Need of Having More of You
26:05 Own Who You Are and Who You Wanna Be
Are you ready to slay 2022? Download your free workbook here:
This is the process I do every year that’s helped me create all of the goals, dreams, and outcomes I have today. I can’t wait for you to use it as well!
Where To Find Erika:
Watch my FREE webinar: What it takes to change your life
Ready to work with me? Check out The Sistahood Program:
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