How to Deal with HUGE Changes and Transitions

Ever heard the saying that change is the only constant in life? 

It’s true. Our lives are never the same day to day. Some days those changes are amazing – new job! New partner! New house! New baby! 

But other days, those same changes can feel scary: New responsibilities. New bills. New commitments. New vulnerabilities. 

So what can we do to stay strong and centered in the face of change? 

How can we remember, when we’re anxious to pursue our goals, that the growth waiting for us on the other side will make it all worthwhile? 

Today I want to share how I’ve dealt with some major transitions in my life and my business, and share some ways to help you handle any change that comes your way. 


We’re so happy to announce our partnerships in the USA and AUS for women who want to work with us and need payment options 

If that’s you get in touch and let’s explore interest free study now pay later options 

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