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How to stay present in uncertainty – Q&A Tuesday

During this weird ass time I’ve been getting a lot of questions from y’all about how to stop yourself from feeling all the anxious thoughts due to all the uncertainty. The answer is fairly simple, don’t go future. All you need to do right now is to stay here and acknowledge that in this moment, you have everything you need.

Look at how many of your thoughts are in a future that hasn’t come yet. Use this time to exercise presence. What are you thinking? Who are you listening to? What are you paying attention to? Who are you following on social media?

Take a break my love and go do something, watch something or listen to something that makes you laugh.

Don’t go future. There is no future. There is only now.

Books that I mentioned:

Echkart Tolle – The Power Of Now

The Practice Of The Power Of Now for the more “cliff notes” version

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