If you’re struggling right now, listen to this.

If you’re struggling right now, I want you to really sit with this and take it all in. It’s okay if you’re not doing well – 2020 is hard work y’all. But don’t expect anything to change, don’t expect to start to feel better if you’re avoiding your issues. If you’re running away from your problems, trying to sweep them under the rug and hope that they’ll go away – I’m sorry but they won’t go away.

You’re not meant to do this on your own. Who do you have in your life that you can lean on? Who can help support you when you’re feeling awful? I have hot seat coaching that I do with my Sistahood women twice a month, and I hold space for the women in there. I coach them through the issues they’re facing and we are there for each other. But not everyone in the Sistahood is jumping on those calls.

Some may be avoiding the work.

I’m here to tell you that you can’t avoid the work. You need to run towards it. You need to stare it in the face, feel supported by someone else if you need to, and work through it.

As I mentioned in this episode, download your free self-coaching cheat sheet HERE

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