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Should I Start A Business?

Should I Start A Business?

My love, let me tell you something.

During and after the pandemic, the statistics show that more women than EVER have started their own businesses. More women, especially women of color, are quitting their jobs and going after their dreams. Amazing, right?

The thing is, a LOT of people who want to start their own business have this idea of how it’s going to be so easy and they’ll be on the beach with their laptop and make all this money and have all this free time…

BUT, I’m going to be really honest with you here and tell you what most people won’t – starting a business is NOT for everyone.

I’m about to break down EXACTLY what it takes to start a business so that you can find out if it might be right for you.

This week, I cover:

… and so much more

Something exciting is coming real soon! Join Erikas list to be updated. You’ll also get exclusive masterclasses and personal notes from her via email weekly.

If you loved this episode, check out this previous podcast: Want to Start a Business? Do This Now




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